On Sunday 15th February, an estimated 2000 people assembled at Trafalgar Square in London, in solidarity with the Greek people against the Troika. The demonstration, called by the Greek Solidarity Campaign and SYRIZA London, was linked to a wider international mobilisation across Europe, with the message everywhere of “your struggle is our struggle – lead the way!”
On Sunday 15th February, an estimated 2000 people assembled at Trafalgar Square in London, in solidarity with the Greek people against the Troika. The demonstration, called by the Greek Solidarity Campaign and SYRIZA London, was linked to a wider international mobilisation across Europe, including a demonstration of over 30,000 in Athens. This is a reflection of the international nature of the crisis, and the fact that a wide layer of workers and youth everywhere are looking to Greece as an inspiration in the fight against austerity.
Large demonstrations are typically held to protest against the attacks of this or that government. For the first time in a generation, the election of SYRIZA in Greece has seen large demonstrations in support of the government and the programme it was elected on! The message of those assembled is clear: to the Troika they say, “no to austerity – enough is enough”; to Tsipras and the other leaders of SYRIZA – “carry out your programme, stay true to your word!”
Although those assembled in London were predominantly Greek workers and youth, there was a significant layer of non-Greeks in attendance. In particular, the PODEMOS London group were notable by their presence, as many Spanish people look to the election of SYRIZA in Greece as an example to follow in their own elections later this year. Although the eyes of the ruling class and the financial markets are looking at events in Greece with fear, there is a layer across Europe looking to SYRIZA with hope. To the people of Greece these people are saying, “your struggle is our struggle – lead the way!”
The mood was generally very optimistic, with the election of SYRIZA seen by many as an important breakthrough after years of savage austerity and a general collapse in living standards. The recent stand taken by Tsipras and Varoufakis, the Greek finance minister, against the demands of the Troika, was seen by many as proof that the SYRIZA government is on their side. On the other hand, there were clearly hopes in the willingness of the Troika to come to some sort of meaningful compromise, with slogans such as “drop the debt” popular on placards. Such compromises, however, are unlikely to come, as Merkel and the Troika are demanding the continuation of austerity and “structural reforms” in Greece – that is, attacks on the working class.
Socialist Appeal supporters distributed flyers in both Greek and English, containing a recent statement from the Communist Tendency of SYRIZA. These were warmly received, and indeed all the copies of the Greek paper “Epanastasi” (Revolution) were sold within an hour.
We stand firm with the Greek workers and poorer sections of society against the onslaught of the capitalists and the dictates of the Troika. We call on the SYRIZA leadership to implement their programme in full. However in order to do so, we also point out that there can be no concessions or deals with the Troika. This way can only lead to betrayal and defeat. Instead SYRIZA must take bold socialist measures, to expropriate the banks, the oligarchy, and the key levers of the economy under a democratic plan of production. If such a lead was shown by SYRIZA, it would have the full support of the European working class behind it, who would not take long to follow in its footsteps.