If you are a communist, and you want to overthrow this rotten system, then it’s time to get organised! We have founded a new party: the Revolutionary Communist Party. And we appeal to you to join us!
Communism is not just a good idea or an identity. It means replacing capitalism, based on private profit and exploitation, with a new classless society based upon the principle “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need”.
We put forward a communist programme to answer the problems faced by the working class:
- Drive out this hated Tory government! No confidence in Starmer’s Labour, who intend to continue with the same Tory policies! The working class must resist all attacks, from whatever quarter.
- Fight for a £20 per hour minimum wage, rising with prices. If the capitalists say they can’t afford this, we say: to hell with capitalism!
- No to job cuts and redundancies. Share out work without loss of pay, immediately lowering the working week to 30 hours or less.
- For a fully publicly-owned and free health service, under workers’ control and management. Reverse all privatisation and outsourcing.
- Nationalise the energy, rail, and water monopolies, and the big supermarket chains and distributors, without compensation.
- Build a million council homes a year. Nationalise the land, construction companies, and banks to provide the resources to accomplish this. Expropriate the parasitic landlord class.
- Repeal the anti-trade union laws. No to class compromise. All union officials to be regularly elected, with the right of immediate recall by the members. Officials should receive no more than the average wage of a skilled worker.
- For the real emancipation of women. End all forms of discrimination. Equal pay for work of equal value. For free, quality public nurseries and social care.
- Abolish the monarchy and the House of Lords.
- Scrap tuition fees and student rents. For free education and full maintenance grants for all.
- No to austerity! Reverse the cuts! Expropriate the bankers and billionaires!
- Nationalise the 100 biggest banks and monopolies – under workers’ control and management – without compensation, as part of a socialist economic plan.
- The capitalist system cannot be reformed. It must be overthrown.
- We fight for world revolution: for a Socialist Federation of Britain, linked to a Socialist United States of Europe and a World Socialist Federation, in order to plan resources internationally for the benefit of all. This would allow humanity to begin solving the urgent issues of climate change, war, disease, and poverty that face society and our planet.
To be victorious, we need a fighting, communist leadership in the working class. That is what we are building.
We have made outstanding progress in the recent period, growing by leaps and bounds. But we still need to massively expand our forces.
That is why we are calling on you to join us. The revolution needs you! With your help and sacrifice, we can succeed!
What you can do to help
- Join the communists and help us build the Revolutionary Communist Party!
- Set up a regular financial contribution to the RCP to support our organisation in the fight for revolution.
- Donate to our fundraiser to support the launch of the Revolutionary Communist Party.
- Subscribe to our fortnightly newspaper The Communist and our quarterly theoretical magazine In Defence of Marxism.
- Help us build the workers’ press, by selling The Communist in your workplace, neighbourhood, school, or university.
- Write for The Communist! Send us a letter, report, or a suggestion for an article using our submission form.
- Follow us on YouTube and subscribe to our podcast, Marxist Voice.
- Follow us on social media (Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok) and share our articles online.
Find the communists near you
Can’t find a branch or cell near you? We’ll help you start one! Apply using the form above and we’ll get in touch.