Capitalism is in a profound crisis on a world scale. The system has reached its limits. The most fundamental needs of people and the planet can no longer be answered by this dying system.
The conditions of the working class are under attack in every country, and as a result the establishment is losing control of the political sphere.
Britain is no exception. 2024 was a general election year, but in our lifetimes there has never been a larger gulf between the mood of ordinary working class people, especially the youth, and the political choices on offer.
Starmer’s Labour government means more crises; more cuts to public services, more council bankruptcies, more attacks on working conditions, more unemployment, more housing crisis, more war, more climate destruction – and of course more and more anger building up, and more and more desire to fight for change.
This anger needs a home, a point of reference. That is why we have launched the Revolutionary Communist Party. For all workers and youth who want to fight for an alternative, this party is your Party, and we need your help!
The RCP requires full-time revolutionaries, who can provide political leadership on the ground, and work on things like producing our paper, The Communist, this website, the Marxist Voice podcast, our magazine In Defence of Marxism, and our bookshop Wellred Books.
We also need funds for campaign materials – posters, stickers, and leaflets – as well as for national events, office space, equipment, and the various others thing that go into building a professional Bolshevik party.
The more funds that we have, the faster we can soar to the heights needed to become a reference point for the working class in general, as the crisis of capitalism pushes the struggle of our class to revolutionary conclusions.
Set up your membership donation!
Here, you can set up a monthly donation to the Revolutionary Communist Party, making you an official Party supporter! If you are active in a branch of the RCP, this donation counts as your membership 'sub'.
We ask RCP members to pay the equivalent of one day's wages per month – or more if they can afford it! – as this is the amount required to fund a professional, Bolshevik-style party, with an apparatus of full-time revolutionaries.
If you have any questions about membership subs, you can contact your local branch treasurer.
Select your region
Choose an amount
£30 Student | £60 Waged |
Or donate a custom amount (e.g. one day's wages):
£More ways to support us
- Join the Revolutionary Communist Party!
- Subscribe to our fortnightly newspaper The Communist and our quarterly theoretical magazine In Defence of Marxism.
- Help us build the workers’ press, by selling The Communist in your workplace, neighbourhood, school, or university.
- Write for The Communist! Send us a letter, report, or a suggestion for an article using our submission form.
- Follow us on YouTube and subscribe to our podcast, Marxist Voice.
- Follow us on social media (Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok) and share our articles online.