The Revolutionary Communist Party is the political home of Britain’s communist generation.
We are fed up with the endless cycle of capitalist crisis, imperialist bloodshed, and climate catastrophe. And we won’t take it lying down!
We are a Party like no other. We aren’t interested in winning a few cosy positions in Parliament, or a couple of crumbs from the bosses’ table.
We want to turn the world upside down, and put ordinary people in charge.
That’s no easy task, but history shows us that there’s no other way. And more and more people are beginning to think the same!
We are not just a Britain-based party, we are the British section of the Revolutionary Communist International.

The RCP was only established in May 2024. But already we have achieved a great deal of support and recognition.
From standing a revolutionary communist candidate, Fiona Lali, in the recent general election, to building the largest left-wing force on campuses nationwide – the RCP has firmly planted the red flag of communism, for all to see.
There is still a long way to go, however. And we need your help to become a party that can lead the working class to victory.
Already, there are tens of thousands of young people in Britain who are sympathetic to communist ideas – and many more who are burning with anger against a system that breeds war and exploitation, and want to do something to fight it.
Our number one priority is to reach these people; rally them under a single banner; and fuse them into an organised fighting force. This would form the nucleus of a future mass communist party.
Communist ideas
If you join the Party, the foremost thing we can offer you is a communist education. We want to train the next generation of revolutionary class fighters – those who can provide leadership in the coming class battles.
Together, we will tackle the fundamentals of Marxist theory, and study the lessons of the international workers’ movement, in particular the rich experience of Russian Revolution, led by Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
The ideas we study are what give us the confidence to go out onto campuses and high streets, into workplaces and neighbourhoods, to win people over to communism, and sink deeper roots into our class.

They are what enable us to intervene in the movement, to offer the clearest perspectives and demands, which correspond to the desire for fundamental change and radical action.
The tasks of our Party can be summed up in three words: educate, agitate, organise.
The more we grow, the more avenues for revolutionary work will open up. The opportunities are immense; history is moving in our direction.
Party membership is open to all those who want to wage war on imperialism and capitalist misery, and who believe that a communist future is both possible and necessary.
We extend an invitation to you: join the Revolutionary Communist Party today!
What you can do to help
- Join your local branch of the Revolutionary Communist Party!
- Donate or set up a regular financial contribution to the RCP.
- Subscribe to our fortnightly newspaper The Communist and our quarterly theoretical magazine In Defence of Marxism.
- Help us build the workers’ press, by selling The Communist in your workplace, neighbourhood, school, or university.
- Write for The Communist! Send us a letter, report, or a suggestion for an article using our submission form.
- Follow us on YouTube and subscribe to our podcast, Marxist Voice.
- Follow us on social media (Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok) and share our articles online.
Find your local RCP branch
Can’t find a branch or cell near you? We’ll help you start one! Click here to sign up and we’ll get in touch.
What is the Revolutionary Communist International?
Capitalism is an international system, reaching every corner of the earth. So the fight against it must be international too!
This was understood long ago by Marx and Engels, as well as by Lenin and the Bolsheviks, who established the Communist International in 1919. This was nothing less than a world party of socialist revolution.
Internationalism is in the DNA of Marxism. That’s why the RCP is not just a Britain-based party; we are the British section of the Revolutionary Communist International.
The RCI has sections and groups in 36 countries, on every continent in the world: from Austria to Australia, Bangladesh to Brazil, Colombia to Czechia, and from South Africa to Sweden.
Our largest sections are in Britain, Canada, the United States, and Pakistan – but we are growing rapidly everywhere! Our membership has doubled in the past two years, as more young people than ever seek revolutionary ideas.
The RCI is more than just a grouping of national parties. We hold world events every year, have an international manifesto, and we coordinate our work between sections, like with our recently-launched ‘Down with the warmongers!’ anti-militarism campaign.
What’s more, we publish a daily international website,, alongside our quarterly theoretical journal In Defence of Marxism, which is translated into ten languages.
If you want to be part of the global struggle against imperialism and exploitation, then the RCI is the place for you!