Cutting from item on LabourNet :
Yunus Bakhsh |
People may be aware that UNISON HQ has ruled that Karen Reissmann and
Yunus Bakhsh can not stand for re-election to their seats to UNISON’s
Health Service Group Executive.
Karen was excluded because she was sacked by her Trust in the run up to
the election and was therefore not working in the health service! Since
her sacking Karen got work for a health care agency but at the time of
the strike it’s true she did not go back to work! The current highly
controversial interpretation of rules by HQ staff is not reasonable. Our
NEC members and General Secretary need to be lobbied and urged to
overturn this decision.
The case of Yunus Bakhsh is slightly different. He has been suspended by
his employers and suspended form office by UNISON for over a year. Yunus
has not been found guilty of any wrongdoing by UNISON. He is being
prevented from seeking re-election, a punishment. At the very least he
is innocent unless proven guilty. Again the current interpretation of
rules by HQ staff is unjust. Our NEC members and General Secretary need
to be lobbied and urged to overturn this decision.
People may also be aware that UNISON HQ is taking action against branch
leaders who criticised the decisions of the national standing orders
committee to rule many resolutions to last year’s conference out of
You can see their case here: