On Friday,
June 24, 2011, the New York State Senate voted to legalize gay marriage in New
York State in the US. This is a victory for democratic rights! Marxists oppose
all forms of discrimination, including discrimination based on sexuality
and gender. The fact that marriage laws discriminate against same-sex
partners is just the latest in the struggle for equality and democratic
rights for the LGBT community under capitalism.
On Friday,
June 24, 2011, the NY State Senate voted to legalize gay marriage in New
York State. This is a victory for democratic rights! Marxists oppose
all forms of discrimination, including discrimination based on sexuality
and gender. The fact that marriage laws discriminate against same-sex
partners is just the latest in the struggle for equality and democratic
rights for the LGBT community under capitalism.
"New York loves gay marriage" Photo: Zach RobertsAs
is well known, the U.S. ruling class has a horrific history of denying
equal rights to people on the basis of race, gender, religion, national
origin and sexuality. In terms of sexuality, for much of U.S. history,
sex between consenting adults of the same gender was illegal. Even in
the colonial era, it is estimated that at least 7 men were actually
executed specifically for sodomy, not to mention many others who
received “lesser punishments.” In 1950s New York City, a woman could
actually be arrested if she dressed up in a fashion that made her look
too much like a man!
The struggle for LGBT rights has grown in
recent decades, especially since the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion, and the
overturning of anti-sodomy laws, along with the legal recognition of
same-sex marriage in six states and the District of Columbia, is a
However, the fact that the Federal government and 44
other states do not recognize same sex marriage means that the victory
is only partial. As an example, even if I married my partner today, my
health benefits from work, which cover him as well, are taxed as income
by the Federal government. This does not happen to married heterosexual
couples. Therefore, the struggle for full equality continues.
capitalist class must continue to divide the working class in order to
maintain a system where 1% own more than the bottom 90%. They use
discrimination and hatred as a way to distract the population from the
crisis of their system. In 2004, Bush and the Republicans used gay
marriage as an issue to divert people’s attention away from the wars
abroad and the harshness of life facing the working class here.
Ironically, Democratic Governor Cuomo used the issue in a similar way,
but in a different direction. Cuomo is leading attacks on the state’s
public sector workers, and cutting education and government services.
Therefore, he decided to champion legalized same sex marriage to show
that he was a “progressive reform governor,” as a cover for his vicious
austerity. So while it is true that he “kept his promise” to push for
laws allowing same-sex marriage, he has also “kept his promise” to
hammer unionized public sector workers!
Ultimately, although
capitalism needs “divide and rule” to maintain itself, it can allow
basic democratic reforms as long as they do not threaten the system of
private ownership of the means of production. The mass struggles
against Jim Crow segregation and racism finally forced legal reforms as
well, but racism still exists.
The middle class leadership of the
LGBT political organizations put all their focus on the struggle for
democratic rights. LGBT workers and youth need to see that the real
struggle for genuine and full equality can only truly be won as part of a
united working class movement, with the slogan “an injury to one is an
injury to all!” While we continue to struggle for full equality,
regardless of one’s sexuality, we must also struggle for universal
health care, free education, including college, and jobs for all. Why
should benefits like housing and health care be dependent on a person
being married and having a partner who makes a decent income? These
benefits should be universal. This can only be provided by transforming
capitalist society to socialism.
Source: Socialist Appeal (USA)