Issue 160 of Socialist Appeal is out now.
This months journal features:
Northern Rock – capitalism has failed
Trade unions:
Defend Michael Gavan
UNISON – what’s going on?
Defend agency workers
Fuel bills: Why they’re walloping you
Beatrice Windsor – Marketing wheezes spread diseases
Labour Party:
Unemployed? You’re evicted
Scotland: Labour’s difficulties continue
Mr Rising Price is back
A short history of inflation
Pre-emptive strike anyone?
Military elite reject democratic proposals
Gay rights:
Gay liberation – the long battle
Marx Anniversary:
The secret of surplus value
The Naval Mutinies at Spithead and the Nore
Elections in Pakistan: the mother of all frauds!
Struggle against food sabotage!
Capitalism and the clothing industry
Bolshevik Bobbies
Fighting fund :
Spring Offensive
Socialist Appeal Stands for
Back cover:
Imperialism: get out of Iraq and Afghanistan
Click here to take out a subscription to Socialist Appeal
Fighting fund – spring offensive!
thanks to an excellent response from our readers and supporters, the
fighting fund collection over Xmas raised the magnificent sum of
£6,400, beating the target of £6000 we had set ourselves. As we
explained at the time, this money was needed for new machinery in our
print shop- which has now been installed and has drastically improved
the quality and reduced the turnaround time for producing Socialist
We have set a target of £4,000 to be raised this quarter, culminating at our conference in April.
To continue advancing Marxist ideas in the Labour movement we can not
afford to stand still for a moment. The more money we have in, the more
effectively we can intervene and build a strong Marxist tendency in
We are confident that every reader and seller – and that means you –
will respond to this appeal. Remember you are the only source of
finance we have or want.
You can donate online, by visiting the Wellred website at
and use your credit/debit card. Cash payments can be made over the
counter at any branch of Abbey (National) by paying into account
K2018479SOC. Cheques can also be paid into this account using this
method. Alternatively you can send a cheque (UK banks only please) to
us at SA, PO Box 50525, Poplar, London, E14 6WG.