In this general election, millions will vent their anger by voting against the Tories. We say: Good riddance! Let Sunak and the Tories rot in hell!
On the other hand, millions will vote Labour, despite having no trust in ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer – a knight of the realm and the establishment’s lackey. They will firmly hold their nose as they put their crosses on the ballot paper.
Millions more will simply abstain, having lost faith in the entire stinking political system. “They are all the same.” “It makes no difference.” “Nothing ever changes.” This is how many in Britain understandably think and feel.
These days, however, given the widespread anger over the genocide in Gaza, there will be those who want to vote as a protest against the establishment parties. Many will therefore look to the various pro-Palestine candidates who are standing.
There has never been an election where voters are so discontented and disillusioned.
Ordinary people are sick to death of the Sunaks and Starmers in Westminster: the hypocritical pin-stripped politicians, who live in a different world. They have never had to scrimp and save to put food on the table or pay the rent.
Workers in Britain have had to endure fourteen years of austerity and collapsing living standards. And now all the traditional parties are offering more of the same.
The Tories and Labour are only interested in defending this discredited system. But people no longer believe the lies of these charlatans anymore.
That is why there is now a massive political vacuum in Britain, particularly on the left. People have had enough!
Sunak is despised. But nobody has any time for Starmer. The Labour leader has ditched every one of his promises, and is viewed – rightly – as a man without principles.
For many, his open support for Israel’s war of extermination against the Palestinians has been the last straw. These are nothing more than the actions of a war criminal.

But Starmer doesn’t seem to care. His party is well ahead in the polls. This doesn’t reflect any real enthusiasm for Labour, however. They are simply the beneficiaries of the hatred against the Tories.
The Labour leaders are determined to remove any remaining ‘lefts’ from the party. They were going to deselect Diane Abbott as a Labour candidate, but retreated following a storm of protest.
Others have been barred from standing, however, including Faiza Shaheen in Chingford. Starmer’s right-wing friends, meanwhile, are being parachuted into safe seats.
At the same time, Starmer’s Labour Party has welcomed reactionary Tory turncoats – like the notorious Natalie Elphicke – with open arms.
This has opened up an unprecedented electoral challenge from those to the left of Labour. A whole host of independents are throwing their hats into the ring.
This includes Fiona Lali, backed by the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), who is standing in the East London constituency of Stratford & Bow.
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Representing Labour in this contest is Uma Kumaran, one of Starmer’s flunkies, who has been deadly silent over the genocide in Gaza, refusing to call for a ceasefire – just like the rest of the Labour right wing, including local MPs like Rushanara Ali and Lyn Brown.
How can anyone vote for such candidates?
We in the RCP will work flat out to maximise the vote against Starmer and all those who have blood on their hands.
Our party offers a real alternative to this dog-eat-dog system, which operates to help the rich get richer, while the rest of us are pushed further down.
We will expose the Labour leaders, who refuse to demand the nationalisation of the water or energy companies – these corporate parasites and profiteers – for fear of offending their big business friends. We will hold them to account and shine a light on their crimes.
The potential protest vote against Starmer’s Labour has never been greater.
That is why we call on you to vote for Fiona Lali of the RCP – the revolutionary communist candidate.
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In all likelihood, on 5 July, Starmer’s Labour will form the next government. But very quickly it will become the most detested government in recent times – even more so than the Tories.
Given the deepening crisis of British capitalism, despite his present denials, Starmer will rapidly turn to austerity.

The Labour leaders are determined to continue Tory policies on the economy and other questions. They will faithfully carry out the diktats of big business, as local councils go bankrupt and services are cut to the bone.
This will be a recipe for intensifying class conflict, struggles, and explosions. We must prepare for this perspective, by building up our forces – the forces of communism.
This election will simply be a snapshot. We are on the cusp of major upheavals and turbulence, in Britain and internationally.
For those in Stratford & Bow, we urge you to vote for RCP comrade Fiona Lali on 4 July. For those elsewhere in the country, we call on you to support her campaign, and help boost the pro-Palestine vote in this election.
But we also ask you to take a step further. We can’t simply stand on the sidelines.
We therefore ask you to join our party – the Revolutionary Communist Party. As individuals we can do very little. But organised into a fighting party, we can change the world.
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Liars, crooks, and thieves – Clear them all out! Fight for revolution!
“They are all the bloody same” is a common refrain on the doorstep. “You vote them in, and that’s the last you hear from them.”
They make promises and then break them. Things only get decidedly worse. Libraries are closed. Youth clubs are shut down. Everything is allowed to go to ruin.
Leaving aside the Tory crooks, we have the Labour careerists, who only seek our votes to get elected and feather their own nests.
A Member of Parliament gets a bloated salary of £91,346 plus expenses. Many have second jobs to ‘top up’ their income. They are fully on board the gravy train. They are nothing but parasites, completely out of touch with ordinary people.
Of course, they are happy with their lot in life. They know which way their bread is buttered. They are establishment hacks – a bunch of warmongers, charlatans, and toadies.
Keir Starmer, this knight of the realm, has broken every promise he has ever made. He is a typical carpetbagger, who has climbed up the greasy pole. He is no better than the Tory scumbags. All he has to offer workers is more austerity, cuts, and attacks.
On the issue of Gaza, Starmer and his clique are hand in glove with the Israeli war machine; complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians. They all have blood on their hands.
Enough is enough! We need to clear out this entire rabble!
This big-business system cannot be reformed. It is toxic and corrupt. It rewards the billionaires and their hangers-on, and squeezes the working class. Like a rabid creature, it needs to be put out of its misery.
We, the revolutionary communists, are fighting to achieve this end. We are not a party of politicians, but of revolutionaries.
If elected, RCP comrade Fiona Lali, standing as a candidate in Stratford & Bow, will be a tribune for revolutionary change. Unlike everyone else in Westminster, as an MP, she would live on her present worker’s income, and donate the remainder of her salary and expenses to this cause.
We say: Sweep out all the liars and thieves in Parliament! Down with this rotten capitalist system! End the rule of the billionaires! For a real revolution, where society’s resources are owned and utilised for the benefit of all, and not in the interests of a handful of wealthy leeches!
Vote for the RCP! Join our party! Fight for your future!