In our latest episode of Marxist Voice, we’re joined by Ian Hodson – President of the Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union – who discusses the impact of the pandemic on precarious workers, and the need to fight back against the unscrupulous bosses.
As the coronavirus spreads, the capitalists are attempting to get away with murder. Non-essential production continues. Construction sites stay open. And employees are forced to work without the necessary protective measures.
At the same time, the bosses are attempting to place all of the burden of the covid-19 crisis onto the shoulders of the working class. Particularly infamous and nasty characters such as Wetherspoons owner Tim Martin, for example, have made the news for the callous attitude they have displayed towards their staff.
Ian Hodson, president of the BFAWU, which organises workers in chains such as Wetherspoons as well as in the food industry, discusses the fightback taking place as workers struggle to defend jobs and wages.
Organisation, unity, and militancy are vital to ensure that it is the bosses who pay for this crisis.