We publish here a collection of articles from the archives that provide an analysis of the history of Thatcherism.
The Thatcher period was a turbulent one, with many events that shook the labour movement and the political situation in Britain, including the miners’ strike of 1984-85, the Falklands War, and the Poll Tax.
The articles presented here give a thorough background and analysis of these events, showing the real legacy of Thatcher.
Thatcher dead: we remember her crimes against our class
Bourgeois miscalculations and working class hatred
Thatcher: rise, decline, and fall – parts one and two
Miners’ strike 1984-85
The lessons of the 1984-85 miners’ strike – parts one and two
“A turning point in the history of the movement”
Strike: When Britain went to war
Falklands War
The Falklands crisis: a socialist answer – Ted Grant
An Irish Socialist Republican perspective
Labour movement
Poll tax – “we won’t pay” (Militant pamphlet by Rob Sewell from 1990)
In the Cause of Labour: A History of British Trade Unionism – chapters 23, 24, and 25