Issue 158 of Socialist Appeal is out now.
This months journal features:
Northern Crock: the rottenness of British capitalism
Trade unions:
Defend Karen Reissmann – An injury to one is an injury to all!
Glasgow city council leave care workers with no option but to strike
Remploy – join the crusade
A pay deal is for life, not just for Christmas!!
Reinstate Michael Gavan
Fight the blacklist – Support the Manchester sparks
The construction industry in 2007
Labour Party:
How the right wing gained control
Stand up to the supermarket bullies!
Banana wars and the supermarkets
No solution to child poverty under capitalism
Earth two or science fiction?
The Post Office – stop messing it about
From the fringes:
RESPECT crashes and burns
Credit crunch!
Stop ruling class sabotage!
New Venezuela constitution – forward to socialism
Sicko – the movie
SNP – Tartan Tories are back with a vengeance
Our history:
Peasants Revolt
Oh, what a lovely War! The Royan Pocket; January-April 1945
Primary schools: what the kids think
Schools Under Threat
Fighting fund:
£6,000 the target! Can you help?
Santa – the inside story
Back cover: French workers show the way
Click here to take out a subscription to Socialist Appeal
Fighting Fund
£6,000 the target!
Can you help?
As this is the Xmas issue of Socialist Appeal, it will come as no surprise to readers that we are making a seasonal appeal for donations to our fighting fund. But this year is special.
We need to raise £6,000 to purchase and install a new collating and finishing machine to help improve the production of the journal. This machine will collate, fold, staple and trim the edges of each journal in double-quick time. It will enable us to produce a better journal, quicker, so we can distribute them to the areas and to our subscribers much earlier than is the case at present. It will also free up resources to develop other material and interventions. But to get it we need the cash.
Capitalist firms can rely on banks and/or rich chums to help them out. We can only rely on the support of ordinary people – and we wouldn’t have it any other way. So we are making a special appeal to all our readers and sellers to consider giving a good donation this Xmas. The figure of £6,000 is actually quite modest but only if everybody chips in. If a hundred readers agreed to donate £60 each then the target would be reached before anything else came in. Will you be one of those hundred?
Donations can be made in this way:
By cheque to us at –
PO Box 50525,
London E14 6WG
(made payable to Socialist Appeal SC)
Cash payments can be made over the counter at any branch of Abbey (National) by paying into account K2018479SOC. Cheques can also be paid into this account using this method.
You can also donate by credit card by going to the wellred online book site at On the main page, click on the Donations heading, near the top of the page, and then click on the special Socialist Appeal Xmas appeal banner to start entering your details and the amount you wish to give. Nothing could be simpler. You can also order your Xmas reading and gifts at the same time.
Please treat this appeal with the utmost urgency. This cash is needed and it is needed now.
Finally I would like to wish all our readers and sellers the compliments of the festive season. Forward to socialism in 2008! p
Steve Jones