Issue 153 of Socialist Appeal is out now. This months journal features:
- Editorial: The Crowning of Gordon Brown
- News: Amicus members vote for merger – the fight for democracy continues and Civil Servants plan for further action
- Environment: Financial Times exposes carbon trading fraud
- Economy: The profit cycle and economic recession and Tax – what's going on?
- Middle East crises: Israel strikes against Gaza and Is Lebanon on the eve of a military coup?
- Book review: Iran on the brink
- Venezuela: What do nationalisations mean?
- Film review: New Pilger film: War on Democracy
- Art: 70 years since Guernica
- Russian Revolution: The June Days
- Indian independence: The crime of partition
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Fighting Fund
No Vote- So Donate for Socialism
Well in just a few weeks our beloved leader Tony will be gone to be replaced by the even more beloved Gordon. In fact so adored is this man that MPs felt we should not insult him by having a tawdry election at all. Even now street parties and spontaneous demonstrations are being planned to welcome in the great helmsman as he prepares to lead us forward into a brave new world of lots more wars and privatisations. What a pity that the idea of an affirmation ballot whereby we could all declare our undying loyalty to the master was dropped, simply because a few faint hearts felt that some malcontents might vote no.
Now of course the amazing thing is that there are a whole load of MPs and the like who think that the above paragraph is fact not fantasy! If anyone needs any further encouragement to make a donation to help Socialist Appeal keep up the fight against capitalism and its supporters in our movement then simply look at how we've all been carved up by these so-called defenders of democracy. Brown's (non) election campaign was financed by big business, our struggle is financed by ordinary men and women – that means you. So please consider what you can send to support the fight for a better future.
Donations can be made in a number of ways:
By cheque to us at PO Box 50525, London E14 6WG (made payable to Socialist Appeal SC).
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Steve Jones