Britain is in the grip of economic and political crises. The ideas of socialism are back on the agenda. There is urgent need to build the forces of Marxism. Donate today and help us in this task.
With a new year has come a fresh wave of instability and crisis in Britain and abroad. The recent collapse of Carillion highlights not only the completely degenerate and parasitical nature of British capitalism but also the underlying frailty of the so-called ‘recovery’ in the economy. Now we see Toys R Us and Maplin going into administration as gloom grips the UK retail sector.
Politically, the situation is even more unstable. In Britain, the Tories have been left paralysed over Brexit and are openly divided. The ruling class is now seriously preparing itself for the prospect of a Corbyn government and the inevitable battles which would follow the election of such a government.
So we too must be prepared. No government can hope to solve the problems of poverty, inequality and exploitation unless it is prepared to overturn the system which breeds them. Only a revolutionary, socialist solution to the crisis can offer hope to the workers of the world.
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the passing of Clause IV of the Labour Party constitution, which committed the Labour Party to fight for the “common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange”. Now, with the Blairites in retreat and Labour challenging for power, we have launched a campaign to reinstate the commitment to socialism at the heart of the Labour Party. We hope we can count on your support with this.
There has never been a greater need for the ideas of Marxism and an organisation of Marxists to carry those ideas into the wider movement. Without the support of our readers, we would not be able to carry out this vital task.
This year we are setting our sights even higher than the last. Following on from our biggest ever collection at our last Conference, we have set ourselves the target of raising £15,000 at our upcoming National Conference of Socialist Appeal activists and supporters this month.
It would make all the difference if you could make a donation of any size to help us reach this target and build the forces of Marxism in Britain. Every donation – large or small – adds up. You are our only backers – and the only ones we want.
Thank you for your support.
Bank details for BACS transfer:
Socialist Appeal Supporters Club
Sort code: 40-01-18
Account number: 5184 3176