We publish here a collection of model motions that Labour Party activists and trade unionists can raise in local branches, CLPs, Momentum groups, and university Labour clubs.
Socialist Appeal aims to provide a Marxist voice for Labour and youth. As part of this goal, we help to provide organisation and direction to the efforts of grassroots activists in the labour movement, through the ideas and analysis contained within the pages of Socialist Appeal.
The following are a collection of model motions on topical questions inside the labour movement, which we encourage our readers and supporters to raise in local Labour parties and trade union branches.
Each motion is preceded by an article, explaining the position that the motion summarises. These provide useful facts and arguments that can be used when attempting to pass the model motions.
Please contact us if you have success in passing any of these motions, or if you a model motion that you would like us to promote.
And if you agree with the socialist ideas we are fighting for, please consider supporting us by:
- Joining us in the fight for a socialist Labour government.
- Donating to Socialist Appeal.
- Subscribing to our newspaper, for Marxist analysis delivered to your doorstep.
Model motions
- Reinstate Howard Beckett! Fight the Tories!
- No confidence in Keir Starmer
- For a mass mobilisation to defend the right to protest!
- Save the NHS with socialist policies
- Defend Corbyn: Restore the whip! No confidence in Starmer!
- For a new socialist Clause 4 – in the words of Tony Benn
- Re-establish Labour students on a socialist basis
- Labour councils must fight the cuts
- For mandatory reselection and accountable representatives
- System change, not climate change
- For a socialist housing policy