Dear Editor
Michael Meacher MP announced yesterday that he was standing for leader of the Labour Party and said voting for the Iraq war was the biggest political mistake he had made in his life. By not getting behind John McDonnell MP and backing his bid for the leadership of the Labour Party he is making the second biggest political mistake of his life.
I am supporting John McDonnell because he is a real socialist challenge to Gordon Brown. Gordon Brown is the architect of "New Labour" and has supported everything Tony Blair has done including the war and privatising the health service. The recent polls show that both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have damaged the Labour Party.
John McDonnell MP has so far run a brilliant grass roots campaign, he has won trade union support in many areas, he opposes privatisation of public services and opposed the war from the beginning, campaigning actively against it. Micheal Meacher should acknowledge this and wholeheartedly support John McDonnell for the leadership of the Labour Party and avoid his second biggest mistake.
Yours sincerely,
Tricia Clarke, London