We are very pleased to invite our readers to a special one day conference on revolutionary Latin America and Spain. Join us for a series of talks and open discussions – organised by the International Marxist Tendency, the Bolivia Solidarity Campaign and Hands Off Venezuela – on the great social movements of youth and workers occurring across the Spanish Speaking world.
We are very pleased to invite our readers to a special one day conference on revolutionary Latin America and Spain. Join us for a series of talks and open discussions – organised by the International Marxist Tendency, the Bolivia Solidarity Campaign and Hands Off Venezuela – on the great social movements of youth and workers occurring across the Spanish Speaking world.
9th June 2013
12:30 – 19:30
Edinburgh University
Dining Room, Teviot, Bristo Square, University of Edinburgh, EH8 9AJ
£5 waged, £2 unwaged or donation (nobody turned away for lack of funds)
Some limited accommodation is available for those coming from outside Edinburgh on a first come first serve basis.
The event will be in English with Spanish translation available if required.
From the militant student movement in Chile, to the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, and through to the mass radicalization of Spain, the Spanish speaking world is in convulsion. The crisis of capitalism has had devastating international effects and its consequences are being felt everywhere. One country after another is witnessing major uprisings of its workers, students and unemployed.
In the Spanish speaking world, these uprisings have had huge political implications, from the wave of corruption scandals in Spain to the street battles in Chile, factory take-overs in Bolivia and Argentina, and mass demonstrations in Venezuela. It is time for us to analyse these events, linked to one another across the Spanish speaking world, and to discuss not only where they come from, but where they could lead to in the future, for all.
Speakers and sessions:
Bolivia: the war for resources and the struggle for power – Amancay Colque, Bolivia Solidarity Campaign
Spain, from indignation to outrage: social movements and the position of the left – Carmen Maximo, Supporter of Lucha De Clases (IMT in Spain) and leading member of the Marea Verde Plataforma.
The future of the Bolivarian Revolution and the Legacy of Chavez – Jorge Martin, International Secretary of the Hands off Venezuela Campaign, editor of America Socialista, and leading member of the International Marxist Tendency.
La Corriente Marxista Internacional, en colaboracion con Manos Fuera de Venezuela y la Campanya de Solidaridad con Bolivia, te invita a la conferencia internacional el domingo 9 de junio de 2013, de 12:30 a 19:30.
La Revolucion esta en camino! Unete a este evento publico en el que confluiran personas de diferentes tendencias politicas, y colabora con tu punto de vista!
Nos acompanyaran:
– Jorge Martin, Secretario internacional de Manos Fuera de Venezuela
– Carmen Maximo, como representante de Marea Verde en Espanya y miembro de la Corriente Marxista Internacional
– Amancay Colque, activista en la campanya de Solidaridad con Bolivia
£2 Estudiantes, pensionistas y desempleados
£5 Trabajadores
O donacion (No dejeis de venir por falta de fondos!)
Del militante movimiento estudiantil en Chile a la Revolucion Bolivariana de Venezuela, pasando por la enorme radicalizacion politica en Espana, el mundo hispanohablante se convulsiona. La crisis del Capitalismo tiene efectos devastadores en el plano internacional, y sus consecuencias se sienten en todas partes. Un pais tras otro, y en todo el globo, esta presenciando el levantamiento politico y social de sus trabajadores, estudiantes y desempleados. En el mundo hispanohablante, estos levantamientos han tenido enormes implicaciones politicas, desde la ola de escandalos de corrupcion en Espana a las batallas campales en Chile, las ocupaciones de fabricas en Bolivia y Argentina, y las manifestaciones masivas en Venezuela. Es hora de analizar estos sucesos, relacionados entre si a traves del mundo hispanohablante, y de discutir no solo de donde surgen, sino tambien adonde podrian llevarnos en un futuro.