The National Assembly elections in Venezuela, which will take place on
September 26, will mark a turning point for the Bolivarian revolution.
What is at stake is not only who will have a majority in the National
Assembly, but the future of the revolutionary process itself.
The Bolivarian Revolution has sunk deep roots among the Venezuelan
people. The conquests it has achieved for workers and peasants, for the
poorest layers in the cities and in the countryside, are well known: in
the fields of education, health care, the development of basic
infrastructures, state control over strategic industries, and the
beginning of an agrarian reform.
The example of Venezuela has inspired workers, peasants and the
people of Latin America and the world in their struggle against
imperialist domination, poverty and exploitation.
But the Bolivarian Revolution has also unleashed the wrath of US
imperialism and its allies in the Venezuelan oligarchy, who see these
social conquests as a threat to the interests of the rich and powerful.
They have used all means at their disposal to undermine the aims and
achievements of the revolution: through international diplomatic
pressure, a constant media campaign of lies and slander, attempts to
sabotage the Venezuelan economy, not to mention several coup attempts
and plots.
If the forces of the right wing and reaction gain a sizable presence
in the National Assembly, there is no doubt that they will use it as a
weapon to block or reverse the progressive measures taken so far, and
as a focal point to stall the advance of the revolution. They are
already doing this in Venezuela, and the same can be seen in countries
like Honduras, Bolivia and Ecuador, and in the past, in Nicaragua and
A defeat of the Venezuelan revolution would be used against all
those around the world who suffer the domination and the oppression of
the powerful, and who struggle for a better world. It would encourage
the reactionary political forces in every country to intensify their
right-wing policies, and aid in their efforts to weaken and demoralize
those who oppose them. For these reasons, it is now more necessary than
ever for all progressive forces in society – the workers, the urban and
rural poor, the youth, the intellectuals and professionals who are
committed to the cause of the people – to unite their voices and
efforts, in Latin America and throughout the world, to defend the
Bolivarian revolution, showcase its achievements, and denounce the
forces of reaction that are trying to put an end to it.
The National Assembly elections of September 26 will be an important
milestone in this struggle of living forces between progress and
reaction, between the future and the past. We therefore give our full
solidarity and support to the Bolivarian candidates of the PSUV and
make an appeal to the Venezuelan people to support them with their vote.
We, the undersigned, appeal to all those in solidarity with the
Venezuelan revolution to redouble their activities in the coming weeks,
to fight against the campaign of lies and misinformation of the media,
and to publicise the achievements of the Bolivarian movement. We also
aim to build solidarity links between the revolutionary people of
Venezuela and their brothers and sisters in other countries, in order
to defend the revolution against both its internal and external enemies.
Together with the Bolivarian Congress of the Peoples in Venezuela,
we call for the organisation of solidarity actions throughout the world
on September 17 and 18, on the eve of elections.
In Solidarity,
Manos Fuera de Venezuela – Comité de Venezuela
Manos Fuera de Venezuea – Argentina
Manos Fuera de Venezuela – Bolivia
Tirem as Mãos da Venezuela – Brasil
Manos Fuera de Venezuela – El Salvador
Manos Fuera de Venezuela – México
Hands Off Venezuela – Estados Unidos
Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle / Hands Off Venezuela Toronto – Canada
Hands Off Venezuela – Finland
Tirem as Mãos da Venezuela – Portugal
Hands Off Venezuela – Britain
Giú le Mani dal Venezuela – Italia
Pas touche au Venezuela – France
Pas touche au Venezuela – Belgique
Hände weg von Venezuela – Austria, Germany, Switzerland