On Monday, 27th March, Fred Weston visited UEA to give a talk with the title ‘Is Marxism Relevant Today?’ Not only was the meeting very successful in itself, the support displayed from students could provide the launch pad for a socialist society at the university, maybe even a group of supporters of Socialist Appeal!
About 30 turned up to hear Fred’s arguments supporting the relevancy of Marxism today, and contributed to a lively and encouraging debate afterwards. Fred outlined the economic basis for Marxist theory and analysis of modern society, with all its contradictions, using contemporary issues in Britain and the world such as Iraq and national rail to give interested students points of reference in understanding how Marxism relates to our times.
The following question and answer session showed a high level of interest in the theory of Marxism in particular, with discussions on the nature of democracy, alienation and the media. Many of the students seemed influenced and intrigued by the discussion, staying after it finished continuing discussions and offering help in future events. What was really encouraging was the high turnout, openness to Marxist ideas, and keenness to know more and get more involved that many students displayed.
I raised the possibility of setting up a socialist society next year (in addition to the Hands off Venezuela activities here) with a discussion group, film showings, talks and involvement in any future campaigns. Several people said they would like to join. This was built on two days later when the ‘Corporation’, a film analysing the nature of corporations from a left perspective, was shown at UEA, which was followed by an open debate on ‘the problem of the corporation’. I participated in this debate, arguing for socialism as the only alternative, and raising the prospect of a socialist society on campus next year. A few people came up to me afterwards, saying they agreed with much of what I had said and expressing their desire to be part of this society next year.
Overall this meeting should mark the beginning of more activities on campus for me. I am showing ‘The Take’ on Monday 3rd April, and am giving a talk and question and answer session on it afterwards, so things really are moving in respect to socialist activities here. If this momentum continues throughout next year, we can really build a much needed socialist campaign at UEA.