In this rally from the recent Revolution Festival in London, a panel of figures from across the labour movement discuss events in Britain and the fight for a socialist Labour government.
Speaking on the platform are:
Mike Hogan – Liverpool Wavertree CLP
Paul Holmes – Unison NEC (personal capacity)
Fiona Lali – Students4Corbyn
Ian Hodson – President of the BFAWU union
Rob Sewell – Editor of Socialist Appeal
Mike Hogan provided his own personal experiences from Liverpool Wavertree CLP to outline the current struggle taking place inside the Labour Party to kick out the Blairites. And he discussed the important lessons we can learn from the experiences of Liverpool in the 1980s, when Marxist activists and councillors in the party led the fight against Thatcher and the cuts.
Paul Holmes then spoke in a personal capacity, discussing how working-class communities have been ignored and neglected for decades. This, Paul explained, is what has given rise to the large anti-establishment mood and sharp political polarisation in Britain today.
Fiona Lali was next up, discussing the vital role that students and youth can – and must – play in the next general election. Young people everywhere are amongst the hardest hit by the crisis of capitalism. And this explains the global revolt of the youth that is taking place – not just with the climate strikes, but also with the recent movements in Latin America and the Middle East.
Ian Hodson then greeted conference with the news that strike action is set to place in a number of McDonald’s branches nationwide. This, Ian emphasised, is a reflection of the precarious conditions faced by countless numbers of workers in the UK today. The key to fighting back, Ian stressed, is solidarity between workers and unity against the bosses.
Rob Sewell closed the rally by outlining what is in store for workers and youth – both in terms of the attacks that will come as a result of capitalism’s crisis; but, more importantly, in terms of the campaign to get Boris out and Corbyn in. This will be the fight of our lives, Rob explained. But it is a fight that we relish.