Do you support the revolutionary struggle against war and imperialism? Will you put your money where your mouth is?
Capitalism is in terminal crisis and everywhere we look there is violence, poverty and war.
We, the communists, are also engaging in a war – a class war; a revolutionary struggle against imperialism. And, as Cicero once remarked, finances are the sinews of war.
There has been a year of living hell in Gaza. Hundreds of thousands have been killed in the Middle East. Over one million people have been displaced in Lebanon.
Hundreds of thousands have died in the war in Ukraine, stoked up by western imperialism. Over six million have been forced to flee Ukraine, often to European countries where they are left out to dry by the same governments who are prolonging the bloodshed.
This carnage is all supported politically, financially and militarily by our own Labour government, right here at home.
The situation is spiralling, dragging all of us down with it.
Revolution Festival
In this context, the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) is holding the Revolution Festival from 15-17 November.
There is nothing else like this event being organised anywhere! Almost certainly, it will be Britain’s largest openly revolutionary communist rally in decades.
This period of war and rising imperialist tensions will go down in history as a turning point.
Our Revolution Festival will go down in the history books too.
One thousand communists will assemble in London, providing a launch pad for struggles that will eventually overthrow the western imperialists and their war machine.
We believe that we can win, because our ideas correspond to the historic mission of the working class. But to carry out this struggle, we need your help!
The venue for the event itself costs over £40,000, and our campaigns, transport, and resources cost far more. This is the real price of the so-called ‘freedom of assembly’ that the working class is afforded.
World to win
This is an appeal to do what is necessary. We must build this movement, educate ourselves in what the true essence of imperialism and war is under capitalism, and struggle for socialism.
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All of this costs money, time, and effort.
Our class enemies are willing to spend billions to make sure they have political representatives who will make them more profits and protect their system.
Elon Musk has just donated $75 million to Trump’s presidential campaign. Michael Bloomberg donated $50 million to the Democrats.
One thing is clear: no one is going to fund the revolution except you – the revolutionary workers and youth reading these lines.
So please donate to our fighting fund today! Socialism or barbarism! We have a world to win.
Reports from the branches
Trotsky once described a revolution without a revolutionary party and leadership as a knife without a blade.
To forge such a revolutionary party is an urgent task ahead of impending revolutionary events in Britain and internationally.
Its construction is first and foremost based on Marxist ideas, but also depends on money and resources.
The political struggle being waged by the communists is the class war and like any war, if work needs to be done it has to be paid for.
The launch of the RCP earlier this year was such a success partly due to the financial collection that raised £164,000. This was the result of financial sacrifices by communist workers and youth alone.
Since the launch of the RCP, comrades have continued to boldly raise much-needed revolutionary finances.
Not only are comrades donating individually but also by raising funds from our supporters and through activity.
At this year’s Revolution Festival, we will hold a financial collection, at which communists will announce the financial sum of their efforts to build the RCP.
Here are just a few of the inspiring efforts from communists to fund and build the RCP.
North East
On 7 November RCP comrades from the Cumbria and Newcastle branches will make the ascent up Skiddaw. At 3,054 feet, it’s the fourth highest mountain in England.
This will be to mark the 107th Anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution and Leon Trotsky’s 145th birthday. It also happens to be comrade Bill’s 75th birthday!
We have set up a Crowdfunder page for the event, and are appealing to supporters and comrades for small personal sponsorship contributions.
There will also be a social to celebrate the ascent at 7pm on 8 November at Bar Loco in Newcastle upon Tyne
After an inspiring appeal for financial pledges during a Camden branch meeting, every comrade pledged £200 or above!
Comrades came up with ideas for raising funds by other means too to improve their pledges, including making revolutionary Christmas cards, and knitting communist mittens for a raffle.
The University of Sheffield students’ union and other SUs possess hundreds of millions between them for funding student societies.
Sheffield comrades have received £1,500 in a year by applying for funding to support our work on campus.
They expect to receive a further £400 to aid with the costs of attending the Revolution Festival.
Comrades across the Leeds District hosted a gig to fundraise for the party, which was a great success.
The talented comrades performed themselves and played a setlist of classic revolutionary songs. Through selling tickets, Marxist literature, and merch, the comrades raised a brilliant sum.

The Leeds Beckett Uni branch has raised money by having post-branch socials away from the pub, and instead having them in the same place with a kettle.
They can therefore sell hot drinks in a relaxed environment for those who don’t drink alcohol. They estimate they can raise at least £200 over a year by doing this.
And, just as importantly, their after-branch discussions have improved as it’s far easier to remain focussed on politics in an informal and natural way.
Plans by comrades in the Croydon branch include hosting a bonfire night social. As well as selling food and drink, they’ll discuss the origins of bonfire night and Guy Fawkes.
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