We publish here videos of two talks from the recent national conference of Socialist Appeal, in which Alan Woods and Rob Sewell discuss the perspectives for the class struggle internationally and in Britain, respectively. The situation both in Britain and on a world scale is one of unprecedented turbulence and instability at all levels: economically, politically, and socially.
We publish here videos of two talks from the recent national conference of Socialist Appeal, in which Alan Woods and Rob Sewell discuss the perspectives for the class struggle internationally and in Britain, respectively. The situation both in Britain and on a world scale is one of unprecedented turbulence and instability at all levels: economically, politically, and socially.
In the first video, Alan Woods – editor of In Defence of Marxism – discusses the perspectives for world revolution, providing a broad overview of the processes taking place in the global economy, and explained how these are expressing themselves politically and socially in terms of crises and class struggle in all countries.
In the second video, Rob Sewell – editor of Socialist Appeal – introduces the perspectives for Britain, touching on a variety of topics, including the decline of British capitalism, the crises and splits within the Tories, the rise of the SNP in Scotland, and the prospects for the Corbyn revolution and the civil war inside the Labour Party.