Over the course of October, the Marxist Student Federation (MSF) celebrated Black History Month with a series of articles, infographics, and videos looking at questions such as the origins of slavery; the roots of racism; the black power struggle; from Windrush to the refugee crisis; and the fight against racism today.
To mark the end of Black History Month, Socialist Appeal and the MSF are proud to publish a new pamphlet on Capitalism and Racism: a Marxist introduction.
In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter protests have spread like wildfire. The long and sordid history of racist repression and police brutality has again been thrust into the limelight.
But important questions still remain. Why does this racism and oppression continue to exist? And how do we channel the incredible energy and potential power of the BLM movement into genuine, lasting change?
As Malcolm X’s famously stated: “You can’t have capitalism without racism.” The fight against racism must therefore be a fight against capitalism – and for socialism.
In this timely pamphlet, we present articles ranging from the origins of slavery and black oppression; to the lessons from the black power movement; to an explanation of how to fight back police terror today.