sector workers in Barnsley today came out in protest against austerity
cuts and attacks on their pensions, some for the third time in the last
12 months
sector workers in Barnsley today came out in protest against austerity
cuts and attacks on their pensions, some for the third time in the last
12 months
now drawing the conclusion that, as well as the struggle to save jobs and
conditions in the public sector, their very existence as a public service is now threatened by a Coalition government that is determined to
make them pay for a crisis not of their making.
the latest elections in the UK, France and Greece and the growing
opposition to auterity cuts across Europe as an example that things were
changing and that with strong united leadership the trade union and labour movement in the UK could actually bring down the Coalition
to save his pension. " I do not want to work until I am 68 to get a
reduced pension. As a family man with children I want time in my later
life to spend with my children"

that we have ever had in Barnsley . The proposed cuts in pensions are
unnaceptable to out members. Danny Alexander has admitted that the
pension cuts are to pay for the Government deficit. We tell him – we are not paying for the deficit which is not of our making"

sector pensions. The average ancilliary worker in my workplace has a
pension of £4,500 per year compared to an equivalent of £9000 in the
private sector. My members say to the Government "stop attacking our
pension scheme"

unions must join in the fight to retain pensions. This fight is also
against the austerity measures taking place across the UK and Europe. We
must support the people of France and Greece in opposing austerity as
the way to pay for the deficit caused by the bankers and their
representatives in Government."